Beef Ribs in the oven

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Well-known member
TinBoats Supporter
Nov 29, 2006
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Shrewsbury, MA
Here is my first attempt at beef ribs. These will be cooked in my oven at 225 for 4 hours. I cut the ribs as you can see, the package came with 2 full racks. I did not use my not so famous rub this time, these were rubbed with Celtic salt, fresh ground pepper, and granulated garlic. I then tossed them in a bowl with a very very tiny amount of Weber's sweet and smiley BBQ sauce. I wrapped them with foil and in they went.

Update in 4 hours.

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In my gluttony I forgot to take a picture of the end result. The end result is that I think I over cooked them as the bone was really exposed on all of them. The meat was tender, juicy, and delicious. One thing I noticed is a real high fat content.
The wife and I went to Golden Corral last Sunday and they
had oven baked beef ribs - - - it had been so long since I have had
decent beef ribs that I just dug in !! ohhhhhh bad bad bad. bland taste - fat tasted plum terrible....
on the way home, we stopped at WalMart and Publix to buy some beef ribs....
I do not consider bones with a little flesh stuck them good for cooking. (so passed on them).
yesterday - went to a new place in town called "Fresh Market".
wow - very expensive - BUT - they have the best quality meat I have seen in a long long time.
bought a slab of beef ribs @ $6.99LB and two big boneless sirloins @ $8.99LB.

- - - - - - Prepped the ribs like this - - - - - -
Took the ribs out of the fridge 2 hours prior to cooking - into the oven at room temperature.
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Now - I will take half of the rack and smother with BBQ Sauce
and return to the oven for 45 minutes @ 350*f.
The first half has already been devoured for lunch.

If you do it by the formula - a mass of meet like this slab cooks for 33-45 minutes per pound @ 275*

Jim - at the "Fresh Market" store, they had some beef ribs cut
into very short pieces. I asked the meat cutter if he had a "slab"
and he went into his cooler dug around for awhile - returning with
this huge hunka meat in his hand and said - - - something like this ??
LOL oh yeah !! He was taken aback when I told him I wanted the whole thing.
I guess folks prefer the 4" short ribs.
you may have to ask your meat place for a specific size.

I was very pleased and impressed that they turned out so good !!!
a splash of worcestershire sauce and they were as tastey as prime rib.
the leftovers went back into the oven @ 350* for 45 minutes with
BBQ sauce wrapped in foil and they turned out awesome as well.

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