eastern gray squirrels


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E-Rawk said:
I have a friend who had a pet squirrel growing up. That thing was cool. Went everywhere with him, motorcycle rides etc.

dude i want a pet squirrel. HAHA be my fishin buddy. :D
You can always fish for Squirrels:


Fishin Nj you ever have any up there when your fan cuts on, I think I might be headed for a problem I know there are some in my attic and I also have a hole house fan up there.... howd you trap them?
I've got one in my attic at this moment. I've already replaced the piece of wood at the end of the soffit where he got in, and he chewed through it and made a new hole. After work today I got up in the attic and left him a present................a coffee can lid full of shelled corn..................laced with "special" stuff from the local feed store. I can hear the !@#$^%$# little $%#$#&^*%^ running through the eaves of my house! It ain't worth a **** when you can hear him gnawing on wood and can't get to him.

Oh, the pics of those baby squirrels are cute :)
Fishin NJ said:
Have a heart trap, with a english muffin with very little peanut butter on it. then relocate them far away, try to get it 5+ miles and across either major roads or waterways. They mark there areas well and return season after season. IF not them others smells it and attempt. My fan could not run with the nest in there it would have bound up and burned up the motor, then possible my home. I seen her going back and forth thats how i figured it out.

FYI, if they are in your attic, you need to get them out. They love to use the plastic jacket on romex wire to care for their teeth. They are well know for causing many fires. Also poison in the attic is not the way to go, just wait till that thing dies in a some tight spot you cant get to, its gonna stink like hell, trust me!!!!

Go buy a Have a heart trap the Middle or large sized one, single ended is fine. I have a double sided but i wire tie they one end closed other wise they are so fast they run right through it before the door locks.

They breed up to twice a year usually once in spring and once in the fall. The male does not stick around. Mother stay and cares for baby approx 3-5 for up top 10-12 weeks.

Trust me if you go them get them out and do your best to seal up spot there getting in. If they are chewing through the wood put metal flashing on the back of the wood. As cute as they are they can cause allot of issues.

Use caution when handling the babies they do have sharp teeth and will bite. As for the adults they are aggressive once cornered or trapped be careful.

Yep, the fire thing is what worries me. I will probably end-up getting a trap because the darn squirrel seems to be smarter than me and doesn't take the "bait".
try washing the trap down with mild soapy water then wear gloves and set it back up
put a nice pile of trailmix in there, theyre suckers for nuts and dried fruit

and those pictures rule
russo said:
try washing the trap down with mild soapy water then wear gloves and set it back up
put a nice pile of trailmix in there, theyre suckers for nuts and dried fruit

and those pictures rule

I was caught in a trap like that once - I too am a sucker for trail mix! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nice pictures NJ! Are they really that tame at your place or do you have a pretty good zoom lense? :lol:
I have a smaller Havahart trap for squirrels. I left it overnight under a bird feeder with bird seed and peanut butter as bait. I checked it in the morning, it had a fat *** possum squeezed into it. :roll: Those things are good for nothing.

Great pictures! They are a pain, but the little ones look cute (did I just say that?!). Get the bigguns and send the tail to Mepps if they really become a problem
Okay, stopped by Lowe's today on the way home and bought the 1025 model I believe. It's rigged in the attic with some sunflower seeds at the moment. I looked at the 1030 model and they wanted $40+ for it. :shock:
If you are trapping them to relocate them you might want to check the local ordianances. Some places it it illegal to relocate trapped animals. I know a guy that ran a long hose from his truck tail pipe to his attic and used the carbon monoxide to kill the squirrels he had. Nope, wasn't me. However, you have to get ALL of the dead bodies out of the attic if you gas them. Seems that mice also perish this way and if you don't find their little bodies, they will remind you for a LONG time they were up there too.
If you are trapping them to relocate them you might want to check the local ordianances.

Yep, gonna relocate him somewhere. Probably won't have a problem with local ordnances as I live in what was probably the prototype for the tv show Mayberry, RFD............or Green Acres maybe, lol.
flounderhead59 said:
Ya'll can relocate him to the stew kettle :lol:

I agree flounder, IMO a squirrel isn't worth all this trouble of buying special traps, then spending the gas and time to relocate it. They are rodents, buy a big rat trap and be done with it!!

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