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Well-known member
Aug 4, 2008
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Knoxville, TN
Let's see: Can't swim, no lifejacket, and you go out on the lake in a kayak?
What ever happened to common sense. If a persons going to be around or on the lake and they're not going to wear a PFD, they need to know how to swim, if not for theirself, but for their kids or grandkids if they fall into the lake by accident. I got to thank mom and the navy for my swimming lessons, and my girls got theirs from the Y.
Those sorts of storys are oh so very sad. I might add that no mater how good a swimer you think you are, WARE THAT LIFE JACKET. It has a better chance of saving your life then does your swiming abilities.
KMixson said:
He may as well have jumped out of an airplane without a parachute to see what would happen?
Like I always say, You dont need a parachute to skydive, but you DO need a parachute to skydive TWICE.
This is two miles away from me. I just dont understand it, if you cant swim why wouldnt you use a life jacket?
Point #1 - Darwin in action.

Point #2 - There is no greater gift that you can give to your children or grandchildren than to make sure they get swimming lessons. As a parent or grandparent, you are giving yourself the peace of mind that comes from knowing that they are confident, competent and comfortable with being in and around water. Plus, its fun for everybody.
lbursell said:
Point #1 - Darwin in action.

Point #2 - There is no greater gift that you can give to your children or grandchildren than to make sure they get swimming lessons. As a parent or grandparent, you are giving yourself the peace of mind that comes from knowing that they are confident, competent and comfortable with being in and around water. Plus, its fun for everybody.

I hate to disagree with your second point but I think a greater gift to pass along would be half a brain or, barring that, a bit more common sense than this guy got.
Deadmeat said:
lbursell said:
Point #1 - Darwin in action.

Point #2 - There is no greater gift that you can give to your children or grandchildren than to make sure they get swimming lessons. As a parent or grandparent, you are giving yourself the peace of mind that comes from knowing that they are confident, competent and comfortable with being in and around water. Plus, its fun for everybody.

I hate to disagree with your second point but I think a greater gift to pass along would be half a brain or, barring that, a bit more common sense than this guy got.

Generally, I'd agree with you. And, not to make light of someone's tragedy, but if the half a brain or more common sense had been available, Point #1 would not be in evidence. I didn't catch his age, but 15 to 25 year old (give or take a few years) males are inherent risk takers with poor judgement. Sometimes, its a wonder that as many of us survive as actually do. I would guess that observations from your work history would probably support that.