Anyone in southern Pennsylvania?

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Jun 16, 2011
Reaction score
Warfordsburg, pennslyvania
We have anybody from southern Pennsylvania on this forum? Like to know where you fish and if you know of any lakes or rivers with some big largemouth? I mainly fish the potomac river and have caught a couple of nice ones but nothing to big. I just started fishing raystown and started out good. Just not familiar with any lakes other than raystown. Thanks everyone.
What part of the state we have a bunch of members in the bucks county area.
there are a bunch of lakes in the area to fish
beware of ahab he is crazy he has tried and failed several time to campain for his banning from the site
he's craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy
I am in south central pa. Fulton county. Its about an hour away from raystown lake and three hours from bucks county I think. So thats out of the question lol. Thanks for the advice I'll stay away from him.
have you tried fishing the Susquehanna flats? it may be a hike but it is one of the best fisheries in the country
20lb bags are fairly common
Please add your location in your profile - it helps everyone with fishing and other questions when we know where you're located.

That being said - Ahab's bite is bigger than his bark :) :) Redbug is a movie addict and likes to dominate the trivia game - he's got a great fishing private area in southern Illinois, so I suck up to him hoping to get an invite to fish his place some day :) :)

You also need to watch out for Popeye and BassAddict - the two of them, along with Ahab, make lots of trouble :) Me, on the other hand, I'm just a regular good guy, retired cop, not looking for any trouble - just trying to avoid the wrath of Ahab, Popeye :) :) :)

Seriously, add your location (not to specific or Ahab will find you :)
No I have not but I definently will look into that. I'm not familiar with that river so where are these flats located or is it all along the river?

Fishing cop- hahaha thanks for the information. I guess I'm going take your advice and suck up to redbug. Wouldn't mind taking trip to Illinois. Nice meeting all of you and thanks for all the input.
it is the upper Chesapeake bay in MD the tidal sport license is only $14 for the year the fishing is great
6 and 7 lb fish show up all the time at the scales
Okay thanks. I will look into that and make a roadtrip for sure. Bass 6 to 7 pounds!?!? :shock: I will surely be jumping around in my boat. Might have questions later. Thanks for all the help redbug I greatly appreciate it. Not sure if you do any bowfishing but you know any good spots. I know alot in Maryland and west Virginia but I don't want to go bankrupt getting a hunting and fishing license.
DO not believe anything these knuckleheads tell you - I have seen them go into Cabelas and BPS to get their photos taken with the fish

I am in Bucks Co. so you are more Central PA - welcome aboard and if you ever head east let me know