If you have a moment my family and I could use your prayers.


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This has been a hard thread for me to follow.
My mother-in-law passed a little over a year ago due to Cervical Cancer.
The chemo made her too weak and everything went downhill fast from there.

Sounds like your wife has responded well and Im glad to hear it.

My prayers go out to you and your family.
A dear friend of mine is a breast cnacer survivor. She has been cancer free for a almost 2 years now.

Just this passed week a friend of the family passed due to cancer, she had a long battle, however in the end....

My prayers go out to you and yours. Stay strong for her and the kids. They need you now more than ever.
We have been participants in the Suzan G. Komen events for several years now.
Ok guys little behind on my weekly update. Its been a crazy week with soccer games, Halloween parties, etc. Her hair is starting to make its exit. It was bothering her this week just because it has started to get to the point its hard to do anything with and she is having to clean up hair constantly. The actual loss of the hair she says isn't bothering her, she already has her wig and everything. She finally went yesterday evening and had it trimmed up real short, that may only last this week but she felt much better about it after she had it done. Got some hats, turbans, etc while we were at Cancer center Friday, so she is getting prepared for the inevitable.

Now for the good stuff, Friday was her 4th chemo treatment. She sees the doc after every 3rd treatment so before #4 started we had an appointment for him first. So we are waiting for him to come in and another doc that came down from her actual breast doctor's office so they are in the loop, she wanted to do a quick exam for their records, after feeling around she asks, "so where is this lump supposed to be?" We had never seen her previously, It has shrunk so much already in the first cycle (3 chemo treatments, just learned this) she couldn't find it. She walked out of the room kind of like, oook. Chemo doc comes in followed by the first gal, and starts his exam, the expression on his face was priceless when he was checking the spot where the very large lump was located, the he asks, "what did you do forget and leave it at home?" LOL He was thrilled with the progress so far as we are obviously. He said this is the best possible result that we could have hoped for (prayed for). The treatment itself went fine and we have had an insanely busy, but otherwise great weekend.

We meet the reconstructive surgeon on Tuesday, that one has her freaked out a bit. So thank you guys for all of the prayers, its is obvious they are working by the report above. I just ask for some peace of mind for this week as we meet this doc.
Outstanding ! One more bit of evidence that concerted prayer has enormous power. More to come for you and yours.

I'm singing with joy. This is GREAT news! All the more proof that "God is Good". You all are still in my prayers.
Chemo attacks fast growing/deviding cells. Our hair one of our fastest growing cells in our body thus if it reacts to the chemo all the other fast or faster growing cells should be reacting as well. Good thing. Your strength and love gives hope to us all. We are pulling for you and your wife.
[-o< [-o< [-o< [-o< Prayers sent for you and your family.
Appointment went good yesterday, we really like the doc, and from what we have read online so do lots of other people. I read that he is a perfectionist, what more could you ask for when working on this part of the body. :mrgreen: Its going to be a long road but she feels better about that part now or at least she says she does. Thanks again for all of the prayers.
Codeman said:
Appointment went good yesterday, we really like the doc, and from what we have read online so do lots of other people. I read that he is a perfectionist, what more could you ask for when working on this part of the body. :mrgreen: Its going to be a long road but she feels better about that part now or at least she says she does. Thanks again for all of the prayers.

Any new updates? Still thinking/praying about your family... Hoping the best for you guys.
Sorry guys I'm behind on everything even keeping my Tinboats buddies up to date. No major changes. She had her hair cut VERY short last weekend and has started wearing her wig this week. She has been fighting a cold so she has stayed very tired the last week plus, which has kept me hopping keeping everything else done, she has been a lot better the last couple of days, thankful for that.

We see the doc again tomorrow, praying for more good news.

We met the radiation doc last week, man I have been nothing but impressed by the entire staff of doctors we have seen, all very polite and as caring as they can be. We ran into her primary doc while eating lunch at one of the restaurants close to the hospital last week, no telling how many people this woman sees in a month, and we haven't seen her since the first of Oct. she called my wife by name and asked to make sure she was doing ok, tell me that is not someone that cares about her patients. And I don't know if I mentioned this before when the doctors office has called my wife for anything, it has been the doc on the other end of the phone when she answers. WOW Maybe I'm jaded but around here that is unheard of.

Anyway enough rambling, we appreciate the continued prayers through this. We are finally going to be able to get away on a little family trip for the weekend after she is done with chemo tomorrow, looking very forward to getting away.
All good news....keep it coming James. Have a safe trip this weekend too. Sounds like a much needed get away. Still hope to catch up with you one of these days. I'll be gone over Thanksgiving...but you still have my info (hopefully). Offer still stands.