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Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Franklin, IN
Hello everyone! I have been stalking this site for awhile now LOL. and finally bought me a boat today so i figured I would join. i picked up a starcraft 12' flat bottom boat. i got it for 80 bucks off craigslist so i couldnt pass it up! it is in pretty good chape overall! i have a few questions about patching holes though. i have 3 little holes that just barely drip. what is the best way to patch them? (someone else has tried to patch them before and it didnt work lol)

plans for the boat are.. patch the holes. deck the front and a little on the back. trolling motor. paint it. put some seats on it. and possibly a small gas motor for it. build will probably be a little slow till i sell my other car then ill be good to go!

here are some pics! what u guys think!



Welcome aboard carguy.

$80 for an aluminum boat is a good buy =D>

About the leaks, before and after you clean up the patch that didn't work, you may want to take some close up photos of the areas. There is more than one way to fix a leak. Are these holes caused by corrosion? Screws? etc.... Are you sure they are holes and not slits/tears?

Many folks have had success using an aluminum epoxy (JB Weld type product) and some would prefer to drill out the hole to accept the next biggest size rivet with some sealant (3M 5200) as an example, and some would want it welded.

Good luck, and nice find!
Thx for the ideas. The guy before me said that it was sitting upside on a shore and a tree had fallen on it. Some I would guess that they are crackes.. I'm gonna clean up the old sealent stuff tonight so I can start patching it up! Also walmart has this epoxy boat sealant stuff and I was wondering if anyone has used that before?

Welcome! Excellent deal for $80. Not sure what you are considering re: decking, but you will need to take the boat's stability into account.
thx! i have been reading as much stuff on this site as i can about keeping the boat stable when you put a platform on one.. my boat specs are= 12' long, 16'' tall, 34'' wide..
sweet find man, even if you lost interested you could get more than what you paid for it at a scrap metal place
lol its funny u said that! cuz when i bought the boat the guy told me he thought about taking it in as scrap metal. but i saved it! :D

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