Something to cushion the dock poles...

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Well-known member
May 25, 2013
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I need something inexpensive I can put around my dock poles that will provide some padding for when boats rub against them. I've see things like this:

...and that would be great, but I'll be darned if I'm going to spend that kind of money per pole. I'm wondering what clever ideas some of you guys have already come up with; something that will do a good job and not look horrendous (ie, wrapping rags around the poles :)
I don't think it will last more than a season but for the price difference I think you may still come out ahead using foam pipe insulation at less than $1 per foot. You may have to go to a real plumbing supply store to find anything for a pole bigger than 1".
Have you thought about PVC pipe? I know it isn't much of a cushion but it's softer than metal pipe.
[url= said:
dejamat » 01 Jul 2013, 05:49[/url]"]Have you thought about PVC pipe? I know it isn't much of a cushion but it's softer than metal pipe.

Thought about that, yes! Or maybe a combination of the two suggestions. PVC or ABS pipe with a pool noodle inside for shock absorbtion.

Regarding pool noodles, has anyone come across any that actually have a hole inside them that's big enough? Most I see online look like the hole isn't more than an a half inch wide.

The other thing I had considered was wrapping rope around the lower section of the dock posts.
[url= said:
dejamat » Yesterday, 10:11[/url]"]If you can get a hold of some old fire hose that would do the trick also.

It works great!!!! and price is right always been able to find it free (old, failed test ,damaged) check with some F stations