Simple wiring question

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Dec 19, 2008
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I'm starting work on my boat soon and have what I think is a pretty simple question about wiring. I plan on having a transom mount trolling motor and a fishfinder, that's it, and wanted to know if anyone has some info on how to wire both to one battery. On an older post someone said all it would take is one inline fuse for the fishfinder, but some others have said breakers might be better. I know the FF probably won't draw a ton of power and my boat is really small and I don't want to put a ton of weight on it (hence the one battery).
Anything you guys have would be greatly appreciated!
Inline fuse will be fine, just make sure to buy the proper amp fuse, most FFs use a 1 or 2 amp. But check your manual.
You may get some interference from the trolling motor showing up on the depth finder otherwise you should be fine.
the breaker would be used on the trolling motor and the in-line fuse is for the depth finder

Last year that's all I ran on my battery, one trolling motor and one fishfinder.

Get an inline fuse for the fishfinder and a circuit breaker for the trolling motor.

Run one power wire from teh battery to the fishifinder and one power wire from the trolling motor to the battery. With each having thier own wire back to the battery you wont get electrical interferrance on the fishfinder.
Thanks for all the advice. I am getting a new FF, should be arriving ina few days. Humminbird Pirhanna Max 160, good deal on eBay. I plan on posting pics of the whole thing once I finally get started.
It can't warm up around here (southern NH) soon enough!
I have the Pirana Max 220. I bought it last year. I didn't see it listed this year, guessing they discontinued it. great little unit.
Yeah, the FF just came today, Pirhanna Max 160. I'm pretty excited to get working on the thing, hopefully within the next week or two.

So, how exactly do you run one wire from the TM to the battery and one from the FF? I'm thinking of just getting a really small motorcycle battery for the FF.
i used a motor cycle battery for mine. another thing you can do is get two 6 volt lantern batteries and run them inseries to get to 12 volts
Not sure what a motorcycle battery costs, however you can also use a riding lawn mower battery. They are 12volt.

As to your question. Run one wire for the trolling motor and run one wire for the fishfinder. you need a fuse for the fishfinder, and a circuit breaker for the trolling motor. Attach each wire to the battery post.

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