Corona Virus

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I received a letter from the county health department asking STRONGLY that I call them and called them today, more than surprised that their regular 9-5 office hours were extended :)

I spoke at length to a gal about my symptoms and she asked (very nicely) if I would be willing to receive a call during the week and answer a list of questions regarding my symptoms, recovery, AND most importantly a LOT about my lifestyle.

They seem VERY interested in any drugs (OTC, script, and otherwise) foods, supplements, exercise habits, health background, family history immunizations etc.

I've ALWAYS said they spend too much research dollars on sick people and not enough on those who do NOT get sick. It seems as if on COVID they are changing tactics to learn more about those who were asymptomatic and had barely a bump with the virus symptoms like me. Lots of data for the supercomputers to crunch. Maybe a ray of hope?
The Governor of Illinois has extended the stay at home order until May 30th
We all have an opinion on this, here's mine.

Sweden didn't lock down their country, they advised people on what actions they thought was best and allowed the people to follow/not follow the guidelines.

Yes more people died in Sweden then surrounding countries but Sweden also has 2 million more people then the State of NJ and only half the deaths.

My thinking is very libertarian and along Constitutional lines. We have rights, some of those rights allow us to make poor choices in life, like smoking or drinking, even to excess.

We have in writing the freedom to pursue happiness and to congregate. We have freedom to practice our religion of choice, there is no provision in the Constitution or Bill of Rights that says, "All this stuff except when there's an oh **** moment, then it all goes out the window."

If you think it's dangerous to go out, stay home, want more freedom, go out. Your life, your calculated risk, don't come crying to me if you come down with a virus.

Some people are saying you should have to sign a wavier if you want to go out and about giving up your healthcare. How about those (Like me) that are forced to work, do I get combat pay, or a bonus if I die from this virus? Of course I don't, you can't have it both ways.

For those more liberal among us, "my body my choice" is a battle cry for abortion rights, well why doesn't the same apply to this situation?
The other liberal cry, "Healthcare for all", well all of a sudden they want to take that demand off the table for some. Hypocrite much?

The fact is, we have rights, I personally don't think it very smart to go to church right now, but if that's your desire, do so.

Why is Walmart allowed to sell socks and shoes but a mom and pop store can't, why can WalMart sell a bike but a bike shop can't? Why can't I go to my barber and get a haircut, he can make you stand outside like Walmart and allow only one person in at a time, no?

This is another reset, another redistribution of wealth by the elite, I hope you had the foresight to anticipate the fallout, hold on tight folks, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
I think my wife would take me out before I got a shot off.

I was taking down an old apple tree a couple of weeks ago when I noticed a bird's nest in a hollowed out area like that on in the squirrel video. I was about half way done taking the tree down. Now I'm waiting for them to fly the nest so I can finish. Delay isn't a real problem because the lemon tree replacement we ordered is on hold too.
My county has just announced, effective today, businesses can start to open and folks can return to work in retail, offices, pet care, personal grooming, child care, car washes, and etc. There are still restrictions on restaurants, churches, and some other activities like outside dining, which I don't really understand. Those are expected to relax shortly. Social gatherings are also now OK. I think of up to 10 people. And, gathering for protests of up to 100 people are deemed OK. (Kind of a coincidence how the timing for lifting distancing rules for protest gatherings worked out.)

One of our little town's council members says he is going to challenge the county's order in an attempt to get our all of our community's businesses back open. We are a small town of about 11,000 and would never survive a court challenge against county resources. But I think the council will push as hard as they can.

Anyway, our county's numbers look pretty good. I don't think a spike can be avoided but hope it will be small and short-lived.

Everyone take care.
Somehow, you guys jumped ahead of us in NJ. Our governor has no clue what he's doing and he's destroying the small businesses. Somehow, it's ok to go to Home Depot and shop and hand a cashier money, but it's not ok in the mom and pop stores. [-X I just gave myself another haircut since our salons and barbershops aren't allowed to open yet. #-o I think the explosion of cases in the NY/NJ area was really caused by the use of mass transit and that's why we're not seeing the same thing happen in other areas. Stay safe but let's get back to normal.
We have been having the same issues with understanding some of the reasoning about why one place can be open and another can't.

Anyway, I kind of understand and agree that NJ got hit hard because it is so connected to NYC. In California half the cases & deaths are in Los Angeles County. My county of 1.15 million has had 1500 cases and 39 deaths since this started.

I hope your area makes progress and sure agree the sooner we work our way out of this mess the better.
return to work wth? I never got to quit working, call me selfish the unemployment benefits piss me off. People that have been working the whole time don't get crap. People who weren't working lot of them are getting paid more on unemployment they what they were regularly working. How about the next stimulus give people who have been working the whole time something more.
handyandy said:
return to work wth? I never got to quit working, call me selfish the unemployment benefits piss me off. People that have been working the whole time don't get crap. People who weren't working lot of them are getting paid more on unemployment they what they were regularly working. How about the next stimulus give people who have been working the whole time something more.

Even better, how about the next stimulus, if there is one, not be just an pre-payment of a tax return (if one is due for the 2020 tax season). I don't see how they figure it was a stimulus, when it's money that will reduce a tax refund for those that overpay, but not be taxable for those who will already owe in. If the federal government is okay with the money not being paid back for those whom already owe money, why should it reduce any incoming refund payments to those that have already overpaid and allowed the government to use the taxed money to earn interest. I understand that people can just change their withholding to adjust, to make sure they would maybe only owe a bare minimum, so the "stimulus" check would not count against them so much, but what a pain.
handyandy said:
return to work wth? I never got to quit working, call me selfish the unemployment benefits piss me off. People that have been working the whole time don't get crap. People who weren't working lot of them are getting paid more on unemployment they what they were regularly working. How about the next stimulus give people who have been working the whole time something more.

I hear your frustration my friend. I still think I would rather have a job. Those unemployment bene's are going to run out and all of those people are going to be fighting for a limited number of decent jobs. Future security is worth a lot, IMO. Take care.
LDUBS said:
handyandy said:
return to work wth? I never got to quit working, call me selfish the unemployment benefits piss me off. People that have been working the whole time don't get crap. People who weren't working lot of them are getting paid more on unemployment they what they were regularly working. How about the next stimulus give people who have been working the whole time something more.

I hear your frustration my friend. I still think I would rather have a job. Those unemployment bene's are going to run out and all of those people are going to be fighting for a limited number of decent jobs. Future security is worth a lot, IMO. Take care.

I agree I'm glad to have my job, wasn't gripping about having a job. My gripe is that by not working many people have been making more. I know that isn't the case for everyone on unemployment but it is for many.
handyandy said:
LDUBS said:
handyandy said:
return to work wth? I never got to quit working, call me selfish the unemployment benefits piss me off. People that have been working the whole time don't get crap. People who weren't working lot of them are getting paid more on unemployment they what they were regularly working. How about the next stimulus give people who have been working the whole time something more.

I hear your frustration my friend. I still think I would rather have a job. Those unemployment bene's are going to run out and all of those people are going to be fighting for a limited number of decent jobs. Future security is worth a lot, IMO. Take care.

I agree I'm glad to have my job, wasn't gripping about having a job. My gripe is that by not working many people have been making more. I know that isn't the case for everyone on unemployment but it is for many.

I know you weren't. It is really sad that folks take advantage during hard times and this is likely to get a heck of a lot worse before it is over. I recently read that United Airlines will lay off up to 32,000 workers when the CARES Act deadline hits. I suspect there are a lot of companies in that same boat.

Anyway, one of my gripes are those getting paid off the books so they can also collect UE. Also it irritates the heck out of me that big, wealthy institutions take stimulus monies they don't need just because they can. My son-in-law runs his own tech business. He gave the stimulus $ back because he didn't need it and knew others did.

And, I don't even want to think about how we are going to pay that $2.2 trillion back. Forum rules prevent me from expressing any more thoughts on this subject. haha
Took the wife in for testing Friday. She lost her sense of smell, had mild flu like symptoms. We had no sooner returned home when my temp went up to 101.9, bad cough, sore throat, and splitting headache. We should have her test results back Monday or Tuesday. If she tests positive, I'm sure I would have it too. (we share everything)
I feel much better today, cough has let up. Hopefully it is just something seasonal.
And yes we have worn our masks when going out, and not too much of that.

Stay safe and well,

LDUBS said:
And, I don't even want to think about how we are going to pay that $2.2 trillion back.

No worries on that, our grandkids will be the ones stuck with the bill.
Folks, Ive completely changed my mind about this thing and while I will comply with the mask issue and all, I now believe there is no way of stopping this and it is not as bad as is or has been reported.

A study I found on the effectiveness of masks and my observations.

My observations.

I walk around at work all day in a population of 1200 workers, 700 of which are on my shift. Most of my co workers are black and 70% of those are from third world countries, predominantly Haiti and Liberia. These are for the most part all good hard working people who appreciate their chance at becoming Americans than many natural Americans do. They want nothing to do with the "Thug life" or Gangster BS we see in the inner cities where unfortunately they are first forced to live, good people overall and hard workers.

However, having said that, their hygiene in some areas is less than desirable. Eating foods with their hands without washing before or after is common and dont even get me started on their bathroom habits. :shock: Eating a sandwich while taking a dump and talking on the phone should give you an idea without going into too much detail of how much worse things I have witnessed, bit I digress.

Now, what I have found out, and by my estimate the numbers are low, is that people touch their face roughly 30-45 times an hour. Add in an uncomfortable mask that wont stay in place and the need to remove it and put it back on several times an hour and who knows what the numbers are.

Each time you touch your mask you contaminate it. Think about that. You contaminate the very thing they tell you is protecting you hundreds of times a day.

Taking all that into consideration, in our plant we should be literally dropping like flies, yet its not happening.

Out of 1200 people, with a roughly 50-60 person turnover a month we have had only 35 cases and have only shut down for "Sanitizing" one day total in four months.

Based on my observations in less than ideal conditions, for me things arent adding up.

I should have contracted this by now or be dead as Im 52 and have several so called comorbidity.

Make of this what you will, but for me every day I dont catch thin my feelings slide evermore towards this being largely overblown.

This from someone who went out in mid Jan and bought several hundreds of dollars worth of canned goods and stores ready to hunker down inside for a few months.
CedarRiverScooter said:
LDUBS said:
And, I don't even want to think about how we are going to pay that $2.2 trillion back.

No worries on that, our grandkids will be the ones stuck with the bill.

I'm kinda hoping it will be the young knuckleheads that ignored the social distancing rules and refused to wear masks. Poetic justice. Lol

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